- I used the camera
- I set the green scarf on the table the night before
- I had just cleaned out the recipe binder and was taking it to Deseret Industries
- I didn't use the potting soil that had been on the dining room table for TWO weeks (The seeds that were planted are already up!)
- I didn't read the book that is under the recipe binder but should be on the shelf
- I didn't use the colored pencils
- I didn't get the rocket supplies out
- I didn't use the peanut butter, jelly or bread
- I didn't leave my church binder, scriptures and other misc. papers on the table
- I didn't leave the pile of newspapers
- I didn't forget to hang up my jacket
- I didn't forget to push the toaster back where it belongs
- I didn't forget to do the dishes the night before (we all have nights we do dishes)
- I didn't leave the butter out
- I didn't ignore my mom when she asked me to take the plate rack back down to the basement
But I cleaned it up! And they wonder why I am sometimes grumpy!!!